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ViiRuS_iQuicKS, and how to accept him..

Fluffle Puff

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For EVERYONE, who has EVER said "He is being mean to me" or "He is picking me out and being a jerk". No, he is NOT. To some, the more he makes jokes, which is what most of what he does is, a joke. The more he jokes with YOU, or ME, that most of the time means that you're closer to a friend to him. I think I have made a post about this even, and here I am doing it again. But here people are complaining again. I guess most can't take a joke, as for the rest of you that are talking about how he is down voting your posts, do you deserve to have them down voted? Has it ever came up to you that maybe your post was just, worthless or lame? Maybe he didn't like something you said in it? Do you think maybe this whole "interview" shit is just to see how you REACT to the whole situation of him down voting you? I can see how some of you would fail the "interview". And with the down votes aside, for other reasons you might not like him, like if he literally isn't joking with you when he calls you a noob, or a dumbass, or what ever he says to piss you off, do you not get called anything by anyone else while playing Call of Duty? The most famous game for name calling and you only complain about ViiRuS doing it? I don't understand that logic. What if it's YOU picking HIM out?



Shaves head, puts on makeup* LEAVE VIIRUS ALONE!* #love#life#ViiRuS


No but jokes aside, we all have to deal with the jokes, and some down votes every now and then, but to be honest, when he calls me something, I look forward to it, cause then I get to call him something right back. That's what friends do, and if he is not your friend, he will be if you don't fuck it up by complaining about him 24/7. This is just who he is, and you might have to get used to it, but it's something worth getting used to, cause with all the name calling aside, he is a dear good friend of mine, and he works hard daily on making sure everyone has an otherwise good experience in game. He has been helping other players who might not be able to submit to the camping tournament due to getting killed too fast. He is even training some. He is TRAINING people! How is that not an awesome dude?! Anyway, I need to do school. If I see any posts of your's that looks worthy of a up vote and is down voted by him, I will up vote it for you.. If it means so much for you to have the up vote. 





Or you can simply, ignore him if you don't need or want anymore legendary friends. 

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tl;drc but wait, whats with the "interview"? I mean I watched it... what does it have to do with Viirus?



Not the movie, lol. In the shout box, someone said that he was interviewing them. I don't know much about it, but they said ViiRuS was interviewing them.


Also, Dewsty, I love your Steam avatar pic. That dude is life.

Edited by Fluffle Puff
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Maybe you are right Fluffle maybe not.


I dont undesrtand him and I will probably never understand him.


4 days ago He send me a message of hate. I don't know why oO I was like Wtf I never play with him I never talk with him He absolutely dont know how I am and He send me that wtf message. 


Anyway as a told him i really dont care what he thinks about me. End of story Bye.

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What a bunch of baloney. It's not even good trolling. Also ironic when some guy dislikes his posts, and he throws a fit. 2/10 trolling, use humor, not dislikes. People can't take a joke because he isn't funny. OMG LOL I RUINED YOUR REP HAHA LOLOL!

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I don't see viirus as weird i see him as a sexy male model. The way his voice flows over my body when he talks, the way his eyes twinkle in the moonlight. His soft warm hands as they move down my back. but the part i live the most is when viirus asked me to marry him ofc i said yes that night we danced in the moonlight to this song .


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@FlutterShy, Fluffle Puff You pretty much summed up everything I do on this website. I'd say good job mate.

@MrSpSpongebob The reason why I sent you that Private Message was because people got paranoid of your camping. Mainly, they didn't like you. It's true that we never saw each other in-game, but I'd love to see you in-game and see how good you really are and if you changed your actions in-game.

@WHITELIGHTNING At least there's 1 administrator who likes you as a friend. I'm doing the best I can to get others to like you, but it's harder than it seems. No problem for all I've done. You may be annoying at times, but that's one thing I like about you.

@BIGz I don't remember being married to you BIGz. If so, let's divorce since it's the best thing to do.


I know people in the UU community hate me, but I try my best to ignore them. This world is meant for good and bad people (practically everyone). It doesn't matter how they act, but the only thing that matters is how they look (both skin color, appearances, and if they are immature or mature). I know there are more reasons but these are the main ones, I guess.

I'm nice to most players in the UU community, but there are certain people who I don't like and certain people I do like. But other times I'm some-what hateful just to make people shut up that is if they are annoying to me. I try my best not to be hateful, but if I am just ignore me or do as stated. Lately, people have been concerned about why I'm giving them such a bad reputation. Well, I am here to tell you why: 1) I give people negative one's because I don't that person that much as I stated above. 2) People usually go off topic or bump old topics which is another reason why I give them a negative one for what they did. 3) I may give people negative one's because I don't like their ideas that much, but sometimes they work out and other times they don't work out. 4) People hate me, and I hate them too. 

Ever since I became a moderator, people have been trying to get me banned, or they have been trying to get me to leave UU. I wonder why? Well, as I stated above, people hate me and really want me to leave UU so that they don't have to deal with my shit anymore. Well, here I am a year and 10 months later and I am still apart of UU. I still wonder if people have that dream where one day I resign from my position as admin and leave UU. That would make them happy and they wouldn't have to deal with me anymore. After a year and 10 months of being in ZAM, I've changed my attitude, became a little bit more mature, and I like certain people and I don't like certain people. I'd love to meet more people in the UU community and try to be friendly with them most of the time. I hope you all understand and I'll try my best to be friendly most of the time and not that much hateful.

Anyways, there goes 26 minutes of my life writing this comment.

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Well I don't know personally, but he could be like me; only 3"..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3" from the ground. 8========================D

Lmao Stoner! :')
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