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leaving everything


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hey all.


in this year when i was playing the ZaM mod i was like wooooow and first the players were good and respectefull.but now pls everytime when you kill a human and  you have hp cuz he was camping before he calls you noob bitch fag and more rude thing....

so i decided to leave the UU community and UU servers.this will be the last day when i will be online here.why i do it?anwser is simple.BEACUSE NOONE LIKES ME(maybe swift wolf and wildey475 likes me but thats all)so yeah guys keep gamming on and i hope we will see somewhere else in other server in blops.if you guys have any question and u wanna play with me just contact me trought steam.my steam name is cant afford name:<.  i know what will most of you guys this when you will read this  




so yeah keep gamming on and be cool and i hope i will see you guys soon



bye forever and thanks for reading and remember you can contact me and ask me everything and i will try to help you as much as i can.



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Wait... Your leaving cause people are calling you rude names? That happens to everyone. It's not that we don't like you. I have even seen you say fuck ass bitch fag when someone kills you and your camping.

no not cuz they are calling me fag....just noone likes me man....u dont undersand....just noone dont like me....everyone thinks that i am little 5 years old kid...that hurts me not if someone calls me gay.cuz of people like this(calling me 5 years old and more and more) i will leave it cuz...just i cant handle it anymore and you all will be better when i will be gone.so have a nice day m8

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Nobody respects you because you did not earn that respect just yet.


You change your name all the time.

Your posts are not that useful, correct me if I am wrong.

You spam the shoutbox.


I will let others leave their say so.

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lemme try *clears throat* cant afford or..well whatever your name is, we will never forget what you have done for this community, i dont think all of your post were completely useless, when you had 75 you applied for mod with a -59 rep, all in all a nice kid, i can only hope your good bye post get a ton of likes, good bye i guess.-.

the progress is real

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lemme try *clears throat* cant afford or..well whatever your name is, we will never forget what you have done for this community, i dont think all of your post were completely useless, when you had 75 you applied for mod with a -59 rep, all in all a nice kid, i can only hope your good bye post get a ton of likes, good bye i guess.-.

bye indy i hope i see you in some servers <.<

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hey all.


in this year when i was playing the ZaM mod i was like wooooow and first the players were good and respectefull.but now pls everytime when you kill a human and  you have hp cuz he was camping before he calls you noob bitch fag and more rude thing....

so i decided to leave the UU community and UU servers.this will be the last day when i will be online here.why i do it?anwser is simple.BEACUSE NOONE LIKES ME(maybe swift wolf and wildey475 likes me but thats all)so yeah guys keep gamming on and i hope we will see somewhere else in other server in blops.if you guys have any question and u wanna play with me just contact me trought steam.my steam name is cant afford name:<.  i know what will most of you guys this when you will read this  




so yeah keep gamming on and be cool and i hope i will see you guys soon



bye forever and thanks for reading and remember you can contact me and ask me everything and i will try to help you as much as i can.





pls man dont come back noone wont miss you

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You need to earn the respect..I'm playing zam for 1, 5 years an I'm active on the website,but..People don't know why they should respect other, older, better playera.They are faggots, kids and etc..Now..I don't care about them. They r suxors k

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hey all.


in this year when i was playing the ZaM mod i was like wooooow and first the players were good and respectefull.but now pls everytime when you kill a human and  you have hp cuz he was camping before he calls you noob bitch fag and more rude thing....

so i decided to leave the UU community and UU servers.this will be the last day when i will be online here.why i do it?anwser is simple.BEACUSE NOONE LIKES ME(maybe swift wolf and wildey475 likes me but thats all)so yeah guys keep gamming on and i hope we will see somewhere else in other server in blops.if you guys have any question and u wanna play with me just contact me trought steam.my steam name is cant afford name:<.  i know what will most of you guys this when you will read this  




so yeah keep gamming on and be cool and i hope i will see you guys soon



bye forever and thanks for reading and remember you can contact me and ask me everything and i will try to help you as much as i can.




if u get hated mean that u did somethings wrong in this website,

its true that if u are not that skilled player or a member that rappresent UU its difficult to earn respect and reputation,


(personal experience)


when i created this acc and i started commenting my first topics nobody shitted me coz i was unuseful and i acted like a kid, now i understood my mistakes and i start earning reputation and respect.


i've never been hated, or called fag,dickhead,mother fucker etc.


so i don't get why u should leave this community (no play zam anymure :(  )


i reapeat u are writing on your keyboard, u are deciding to make an unuseful post,u made thoose mistakes


anyway every one is free so 



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if u get hated mean that u did somethings wrong in this website,

its true that if u are not that skilled player or a member that rappresent UU its difficult to earn respect and reputation,


(personal experience)


when i created this acc and i started commenting my first topics nobody shitted me coz i was unuseful and i acted like a kid, now i understood my mistakes and i start earning reputation and respect.


i've never been hated, or called fag,dickhead,mother fucker etc.


so i don't get why u should leave this community (no play zam anymure :(  )


i reapeat u are writing on your keyboard, u are deciding to make an unuseful post,u made thoose mistakes


anyway every one is free so 



you dont get why he is leaving because he isn't...

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no not cuz they are calling me fag....just noone likes me man....u dont undersand....just noone dont like me....everyone thinks that i am little 5 years old kid...that hurts me not if someone calls me gay.cuz of people like this(calling me 5 years old and more and more) i will leave it cuz...just i cant handle it anymore and you all will be better when i will be gone.so have a nice day m8

I think almost everyone calling each over a *fag*... I've called my friends faggets.. Nothing speacial and I think thats the most stupid idea to leave ZAM.. But still good luck and have fun without ZAM

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