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Hi, I would just like to explain the reason i have been inactive lately,.. So recently i got a job about a month ago, and around 2-4 weeks ago they started giving me alot of shifts, Ive been working 4 hours 5 times a week ontop of school so i  havn't been very active, when i do get a chance to play i occasionally play DayZ or CS:GO, But never really ZAM because i have been having alot of internet issues and i always seem to lag ALOT!, But now that i fixe my internet i will start playing ZAM Alot more in my free time :) Thanks guy i hope this wasn't really a big problem, If you have any question just send me a msg via website or steam :) <3


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lol 300 ping and complains about lag, it just shows it's not about the actual ping, just the spikes and anything your not use to, I'd much rather have stable 100ping than ping jumping from 60-90


Even stable 200 ping better than my jumping 50-12981938129 :(


me no like my ping 2 jumpy i cri

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lol 300 ping and complains about lag, it just shows it's not about the actual ping, just the spikes and anything your not use to, I'd much rather have stable 100ping than ping jumping from 60-90

Yeah well, im use to 250-300 ping but lately my internet has been dropping out and ive been getting huge spikes to like 700-800 Its unplayable, Im trying to get it fixed asap

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  • 2 weeks later...

5 hours a night 4 times a week... 

just .... why ...

pretty sure ppl hire skids under 18 so they can get pay u shitty and win on it.


My plan: only play on the pc with electricity from neighbours. if u play much u'll get small as hell, u dont need to eat much = less money to spend on me, do diz till 18 den get realz jobs pliz m9 ez money.


not rly tho.

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