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The Cade-Limb

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Surely we have talked about this issue before, and we almost always end up disagreeing with changing the current state of cade-limb. However, I have come up with a solution for cade limb.


Now, I have heard of people saying to "get rid of cade limbs" or to "make cade limbs destroy only one cade". However my solution includes none of those ideas.


HERE is the solution: We DO put a limit for cade limb, when it breaks cades. This Limit is 15 cades. This means, that if your camping, it will not completely destroy you; however, it will certainly make a lot of chaos.


Just think about this carefully for a minute. ITS better than destroying all your cades right?? Also it is not as OP  as it use to be, is it?? I would like everyone to give your opinion about this idea, THANK YOU.

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Meh idk, this basically allows you to buy only two cade limbs then you dont wanna waste 400 points on 1 cade limb. I put 15 cades because I think it is certainly better than ALL the cades. Yes tho, I agree that you usually have less than 15 cades. But remember, sometimes you do those T cades, and when cade limbs gets stuck in between, it destroy both top and bottom, which is about 8 cades down, 7 cades up.

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Someone came up with this ide as you said, but .. The control is lost..All aggre these idea but, for sure, all use this ''glitch''

I did not say that we should stop trying to do the "cade-limb glitch" Zericht, I said we should simply change the coding from destroying unlimited amount of cades, to only 15 cades. That way the control is not lost. I am not sure how to change the coding for that, but I am sure @Classixz or somebody else here have an idea how to fix it.

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How About a Cade limb that is disabled <4 players. (Or any given factor) this will allow you to camp wherever, and if you have a couple of survivors left, they will most likely be in an asshole spot which will now enable the Cade limbs for teh fuckers.

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Well, I did actually try to make a cade-limb that had a maximum of hits but with no luck, what's thrown from a player somehow gets somewhere else in this engine, giving me no control on what so ever the cade-limb will do, the weapon system had an already built in option to destroy on first hit, and I made one cade-limb with that.

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  • Founder

How About a Cade limb that is disabled <4 players. (Or any given factor) this will allow you to camp wherever, and if you have a couple of survivors left, they will most likely be in an asshole spot which will now enable the Cade limbs for teh fuckers.



Radius cade-limb is possible, and won't be a problem to make, however this should be if there is only one survivor close to the zombie with the cade-limb. Either way the cade-limb that the zombie bought could be sold and the money given back if they get to close or that they get the one hit cade-limb.

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If possible, do this; when you buy a cade-limb you have 50% chance of it being just 1 hit cade (destroys 1 cade only) or full damage cade limb (basically cade limbs now)


When you have brought it, it will say whether it is 1 hit only or a full dmg one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think we should do this: Cade limb normally starts at 200 points. Then goes up by 50 points like indy said until it reaches 350 points. It maxes in 350 points. Too high but now you have an advantage. The advantage is when it gets to 350 points, you can by unlimited amount of cade limbs.

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