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Sadly, my time has come too (not an April Fools spoof)


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Before I get into this, I just want to point out that this is not any sort of April Fools spoof, and I'm completely serious about everything I am about to say.


The last couple of months have been hard for me. With everything that's been going on in my life, and everyone leaving ZAM and UU, I didn't know what to rely on anymore. I lost a lot of hope in a lot of things, because everything was just so messed up for me. With school, being secluded from most of my real life friends and - now - losing even more friends and, well, family members that I've earned in this community, it's gotten to me.


I need to focus more on what I'm gonna do with my life. I need to start taking school more seriously, get back in touch with reality and get in better touch with my friends and school mates.


I know this seems like one big joke, but it's not. I know that the timing is horrid, but it's all circumstancial, given Classixz's resignation and all the pressure that's been building up before-hand.


I don't wanna get all mushy and shit right here, but you all know that you all mean the world to me, and if you wanna read a lot, well, then this is for you: http://undeaduprising.net/new/index.php?/topic/4086-another-milestone-more-about-me-things-going-on-in-my-life-future-improvements-and-new-decisions-warning-tldr-content/


For now, UU, we part ways. I need to re-think some of my decisions and become more serious with many of the things I do. I wish the timing of this was different, or - even better - wasn't even there to begin with, but, it's out of my reach now.


I wish I could've done this in a better manner, and not so abruptly, but I just never knew what to say.


I will return, one day, but I don't know when. I really need to change things for myself.


This one's for you guys:

Best of UU Compilation | #2015

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Butbutbutbut ramsyyy;/ we gonna miss u :'(

Why is all of the good people leaving?

I cri

Before I get into this, I just want to point out that this is not any sort of April Fools spoof, and I'm completely serious about everything I am about to say.


The last couple of months have been hard for me. With everything that's been going on in my life, and everyone leaving ZAM and UU, I didn't know what to rely on anymore. I lost a lot of hope in a lot of things, because everything was just so messed up for me. With school, being secluded from most of my real life friends and - now - losing even more friends and, well, family members that I've earned in this community, it's gotten to me.


I need to focus more on what I'm gonna do with my life. I need to start taking school more seriously, get back in touch with reality and get in better touch with my friends and school mates.


I know this seems like one big joke, but it's not. I know that the timing is horrid, but it's all circumstancial, given Classixz's resignation and all the pressure that's been building up before-hand.


I don't wanna get all mushy and shit right here, but you all know that you all mean the world to me, and if you wanna read a lot, well, then this is for you: http://undeaduprising.net/new/index.php?/topic/4086-another-milestone-more-about-me-things-going-on-in-my-life-future-improvements-and-new-decisions-warning-tldr-content/


For now, UU, we part ways. I need to re-think some of my decisions and become more serious with many of the things I do. I wish the timing of this was different, or - even better - wasn't even there to begin with, but, it's out of my reach now.


I wish I could've done this in a better manner, and not so abruptly, but I just never knew what to say.


I will return, one day, but I don't know when. I really need to change things for myself.


This one's for you guys:

Best of UU Compilation | #2015

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Hopefully you come back some day. Sry for all the times I was annoying especially the time when I kept saying 1v1 me for uuk. Well hopefully you have fun with your friends. It has been a pleasure playing zam with you. I WILL MISS YOU.

Best wishes


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Well Ramsy... I can't believe the Community is loosing a another amazing person today. That's not the only thing the Community is loosing, they're loosing a great friend. Wow Ramsy, we've been friends for years lol... Had our ups and downs but we've always came out of thick and thin as friends. It will be hard to say good bye bro. However you're not only my friend, you're my best, intelligent, funny, amazing and adventuroes friend. I wish you best of luck Ramsy. Hope you come back soon old friend. Love you bro.

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