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In-game inactivity session: September and possibly early October


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As some of you may already know, when I got back home from my vacation, I had found out that my motherboard and memory card died. I'm currently using some cheap models, heck, even the memory card is a DDR2. I'll be getting a new CPU, GPU, motherboard, memory card and maybe an SSD, but not until October. I can still play MTA, but not BO1, sadly.


So, cya guys on ZAM in about a month. :(

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As some of you may already know, when I got back home from my vacation, I had found out that my motherboard and memory card died. I'm currently using some cheap models, heck, even the memory card is a DDR2. I'll be getting a new CPU, GPU, motherboard, memory card and maybe an SSD, but not until October. I can still play MTA, but not BO1, sadly.


So, cya guys on ZAM in about a month. :(

poor littel ramsy

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