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yikes, really didnt wanna say this

The One Patriot

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well hate to say this but my laptop is pwetty fked up...Basically everytime i open a game, it fully fezzes and there is no way to recover it but to shut it down. Ik the driver is fucked up, thats what it is. I already tried everything - reinstalling the divers, reinstalling everything in general...talked to the support..so yeah.


Lucky I have warranty on it, so have to send it to them, they will fix it, but it will take more than a couple of weeks. I cant send it to them this week because i got some studying to do on it. So basically 3 weeks w/ no vid games, CAN I LIVE WITH THAT??? :D :( ofcourse not


sry for the double post aswell, some1 remove it.

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