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GG L118A


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/31/2016 at 10:24 AM, ViiRuS_iQuicKZ said:

From my understanding, no more guns can be added to the mod (ZAM).

But if you are an MVP player you can just simply use the Scout class. It consists of a DSR-50 and an XPR-50. You can also choose the Spetsnaz class. It consists of a Dragunov which does decent damage.

You can also go to the weapons shop and you'll find the L96A1 in the normal weapons section.

I also hear that Random Weapons consist of sniper rifles. But be cautious you never know what you'll get since there are more than just sniper rifles and plus it's called "random weapons."

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2 hours ago, ViiRuS_iQuicKZ said:

But if you are an MVP player you can just simply use the Scout class. It consists of a DSR-50 and an XPR-50. You can also choose the Spetsnaz class. It consists of a Dragunov which does decent damage.

You can also go to the weapons shop and you'll find the L96A1 in the normal weapons section.

I also hear that Random Weapons consist of sniper rifles. But be cautious you never know what you'll get since there are more than just sniper rifles and plus it's called "random weapons."

I quoted twice .-. And I doubt if you were to remove one of the snipers replacing it with the l118A the players will be mad as hell. But doesn't using it all time eventually get boring? That's what I don't understand. I'm even already getting bored using all the MVP classes plus VIP classes and I got MVP a month ago. No, I'm not saying they both suck, I guess I get bored easily. Btw just use the L96A1 they look similar lol.

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@Not Madara It doesn't matter. You can always edit your own posts. Or someone else could edit it for you. We've had people who wanted to remove certain guns and we've had people who wanted to keep certain weapons. So you're right about people getting mad. If you're bored then try doing something else while playing ZAM. I mean that's what I do.

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