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Statistic System


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Ever wanted to see how much knifing kills you have? how many cades you have placed/broken? How much points you've spent in total? How many hours you've played on the server?

Well that's what this idea is about.
A statistic system.

Basically a system which collects all the statistical information about You and everyone else.

It could be a side tab in the website i guess.

Also a scoreboard could be nice it could show the top 10 people who played the most on the server this month or something like that.

I have no idea if this is even possible but it kinda just popped up in my head while playing.

If you have any other idea's or Suggestions what could be in here just tell it in a reply :)


Stay Awesome!

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  • Founder

Knife kills have been in ZAM since the start, just added so you can see how many barricades you have placed.

so, what I think should be "tracked":

  • Standing barricades placed
  • Normal barricades placed
  • Times bought a perk
  • What class you picked
  • What skin you picked
  • points earned as a survivor
  • points earned as a zombie
  • what you bought in the shop
  • time survived as a survivor
  • tactical insertions placed
  • where you camped as a survivor
  • shots fired

Anything else?

Also just a quick note, displaying the stats from now, when they start at 0 might not be the best, better just to wait till we have had it for some weeks.



Here's the knife kills (one million): https://xlrstats.undeaduprising.net/index.php?func=weapon&weaponid=2

Also, if you placed any barricades after this message on ZAM EU, you will be able to see it under actions on you stats profile: ( here's mine: https://xlrstats.undeaduprising.net/index.php?func=player&playerid=1&config=0 )

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Points spent as a survivor

And points spent as a zombie? those could be nice aswell

Thanks for the reply :)

Edit: When click on both links you just posted

it gives me an error saying: "502 Bad Gateway"

Edited by ShameOnYou
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  • Founder

I'm currently working on a new player stats website, that will include more advanced and better stats. Can't say when it will be out, but hopefully soon.

Anyways, put this together: https://undeaduprising.net/forums/stats/eu it doesn't have that much data, but I'm impressed on what we were able to get out from it just one weekend.

I wasn't able to get it to log points due to some weird bug with B3 (each time it was going to save points, it renamed the player to allies/axis), I'm going to see if there's any other way for me to get it to work.

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