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Few bugs


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Array EasterEgg

Everything works, untill the end. Collecting the hands work, and when you have all 10 hands it says the text but when you blow up all the explosive thingies the teleporters just won't spawn.

Nuketown Easteregg

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't let's take me for example, we're doing the easter egg and everything works fine untill we get teleported, and I just stay in the map and get killed by a zombie (because your weapons get removed while teleporting i think?)

Thingy with Prism(i think this is the new echelon?)

Whenever a player (depends from player to player) gets 30 kills or 60 (whenever console says *player* is raping these zombies blahblah) it says "allies" instead of the actual players name, i know this isn't anything to worry about but i thought i'd say it anyway. I have also heard from some admins that alot of players actually show up as "allies" in prism when they try to search someone.

Platinum unlimited points.

I won't say how to, but you can in fact get unlimited points if you have bought platinum, an admin can PM me if they need/want to know how.

That was everything, thank you for reading :) 


Edited by ShameOnYou
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I found another bug, considering i can not edit my post for some reason i'll just put it in a reply.
I bought the bowie knife, but i didn't get it, then i was able to buy it a second time, and still did not get it. Just look at the vid.

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