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Once last won the day on January 29 2016

Once had the most liked content!


About Once

  • Birthday 09/05/1997

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    United States
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    Dog profile picture master race!

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  1. Celebrate, or simply take the time to/for yourself. It is your day, so make the most out of it in any way/form you like.

    Strange... your birthday is on Labor Day this year. I just realized that.

    Happy Birthday Bud! ;)

    Happy Labor Day as well.

  2. BrEn!

    You probably won't ever come back on but happy birthday Onceyyyy

  3. Once


    its k bby @UTG l WoS l Dennyb
  4. With a work ethic like yours @Classixz I am positive you will move on to bigger and better things. It is sad to see you go. I don't know if I would blame it on the community. It is probably more accurate to just accept that games have an expiration date.
  5. Once


    This isn't true at all. I have joined ZAM a few times recently and plan on a lot more now that my scheduled is free. I care about the community a lot and would love to see where it goes in the future. I simply had priorities. We all know the difficult in balancing what we want to do, and what we HAVE to do.
  6. Once


    Sorry about the inactivity boyz. I graduated from highschool last week and just got home from a trip so you could imagine things have been VERY busy for me these past few months. Now that I have a LOT more free time I will make sure to stay more active in the clan. Also, it was probably my bro playing a lot of BO3 these past few months. I have been too busy! If you guys still wanna kick me it is cool I respect your descision as it has been my mistake for not keeping up with things on the forums.
  7. Also, does anyone know where I can get a nice youtube banner made?
  8. haha I dont think so Blue. The topic is titled "Once's nooby videos" for a reason.
  9. Just started a youtube channel. ZAM videos coming soon! This first one is a black ops 3 video, enjoy!!
  10. Once


    You missed me the most right? P.S. missed u bby
  11. It was a bit ambiguous as to if you mean 2-3 seconds faster than the normal recharge time, or a 2-3 recharge time. I assume you meant 2-3 seconds faster than normal. If so, great class idea :) I agree that the free ranks should get a new class option, might draw in some inactive players.
  12. Thanks for clearing this up @Griggs. That is all that was needed. The only reason I believed he was new was because he only had 1 post.
  13. @Griggs He is new. Plus a lot of times if you bank info isn't correct with your paypal account it can auto-refund the money you spent.
  14. Lets make sure this issue gets cleared up @Classixz
  15. It is a very interesting concept. I am going to do some math here though, lets say for example we have a server with 20 people in it. 15 of those 20 are zombies and the 5 remaining survivors are doing very well. Now for the purpose of the example lets also say that each zombies dies 10 times during the course of the game. That is about 150 collective zombie deaths. Now because each zombie only gets a chance to respawn as survivor every 10 times they die, we will divide 150 by 10. This gives us 15, and because they only get a 20% chance of becoming a survivor every 10 deaths. 20% of 15 is 3. That means over the course of this game 3 people get to respawn as survivor with speedo and a 500 damage knife. Sure, this is a great occurrence for these 3 zombies (now survivors) however, now there are 8 survivors instead of 5, and now there are only 12 zombies to kill them. I don't think this is a bad idea, I just think it might start a cycle where, instead of it being harder for the survivors to survive as the game goes on, it is now gets harder and harder for the zombies, and easier for the survivors. All of this does not even account for the higher chance of respawning as survivor the more times you kill a survivor as a zombie. Sorry for all the math, just hope I could point something out.
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