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New special zombies?


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Post your ideas here people :) i will start

Idk how to call it yet but zombie that is really rare but is spawns with some op stuff:

Ablity to jump higher,has more HP,and ability to buy more cade limbs. I tihnk it should be called camp destroyer os stmh like that..p tell me what you think and post your ideas

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On 13.07.2017 at 0:30 PM, Classixz said:

Napalm zombie:

  • Can only walk, very slowly
  • 3000 HP or more
  • Ability to suicide just as a bomber zombie
  • On death drop, a big napalm killing players close by
  • Very very rare


On 13.07.2017 at 0:31 PM, Classixz said:


  • Can double jump
  • can jump into player spots
  • can only do very little damage to a player, 4 knife hits to kill
  • super fast
  • rare

Lol nice, i was thinking about something like that. 


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3 hours ago, Classixz said:

Napalm zombie:

  • Can only walk, very slowly
  • 3000 HP or more
  • Ability to suicide just as a bomber zombie
  • On death drop, a big napalm killing players close by
  • Very very rare

Can you make these two please? And make both rrally rare...i can help you with look of them

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Shadow Zombie.

Visible for x seconds and then invisible for the same ammount of seconds or less, constantly going between visible and invisible. One version with less HP that is common and one version with more HP that is rarer.

*x - any given ammount of seconds

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Silent zombie:

-Can walk without noise, has the same speed what survivors have.

-Has 2 limbs.

-Ability to use "hook" by pressing F and hook is impossible to use on barricades.

-200 hp no more.

-Very rare.

Edited by Fade`~`
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  • 4 weeks later...

Krauss Zombie I.

Heals nearby zombies. The closer you are to him, the more he will heal you - and the other way around. Upon dying, he does a chainlink effect where he mostly or fully heals zombies "chained together" (zombies that are relatively close to one another). Has normal traits (attack, movement speed and personal health).


Krauss Zombie II.

All of the above, but does it more efficiently. Cannot attack enemies and is 20% faster, making him harder to hit. Rarer than Krauss Zombie I.

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Tank zombie:

-You can hear him from far away

-5k HP maybe?

-Normal Movement But needs like 5-8 hits to kill someone?

-Very rare. ( W/e Would fit )

EDIT: Or See him 24/7 on the map instead of hearing him from far away

Edited by VintoreZ
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